Stock Information
Investor and Shareholder Purchase Information
Registered Shareholders of Kaman common stock are eligible to participate in the Automatic Dividend Reinvestment Plan. A booklet describing the Plan may be obtained from the transfer agent.
PO Box 43006
Providence, RI 02940-3006
Telephone 866-339-2742
For Courier Delivery:
150 Royall Street, Suite 101
Canton, MA 02021
Existing Kaman Corporation shareholders, access information here.
Find out about the Kaman Corporation BuyDirect Plan
A convenient, low-cost service to make it easier for you to invest in the common stock of Kaman Corporation.
Kaman Corporation BuyDirect Plan
Kaman Corporation shareholder services and transfer agent, Computershare Investor Services, offers the BuyDirect Plan for investors wishing to purchase or sell Kaman Corporation Common Stock. This plan is available to both present shareholders of record as well as to individual investors wishing to make an initial purchase of Kaman Corporation Common Stock.
The hypertext link to information about the BuyDirect Plan is maintained, offered and administered by Computershare Investor Services. This Program is not sponsored or administered by Kaman Corporation.